Hey people,
I hope you are enjoying being back at school 1/4 of our way through a brilliant Term 2. In literacy, we are focusing on the Superhero Initiative, about what superheroes/villains are and what climate they live in.
Over these past 3 weeks, I have been working on a set of slides explaining a lot about superheroes. This included watching the introduction of a film, looking into a lot of the superheroes home towns, and finding out how superheroes have changed. Here is my work:
One of the first superhero things we had to do was to research about a hero and a villain and write about the
good and bad things they did. This was a challenge for me as I knew absolutely nothing about superheroes, I decided to go with Black Widow and Loki. I wanted to look at both male and female just to get a feel for how they are different or similar. These two slides will tell you the good and bad things about them.
Another thing we had to do was to research any superhero. The aim of this was to see they have developed as a character over the years. I found this task both fun and difficult, since I didn't really know much to do with this topic I decided to search up a few different ones and to see which one was the most interesting (I decided Captain America). Once we had selected our superhero we then had to find an old and new trailer and then compare and contrast them (finding the similarities and differences). Here is mine:
If you want to watch the trailers
here is the original Captain America one, and
here is The Falcon and the Winter Soldier one.
Later on we had to pick any superhero we wished and write about why that is. I took it a different way and had a look at Captain Marvel. Curiousity sparked inside me, wanting to know why in DC he is so different to how she is in Marvel. The slide below will tell you a brief explanation about her/he.
The following slides are talking a bit about how superheroes fit into their cities. The second one will give you an example of this shown with images and similarities.
Last but certainly not least, actually this is probably my favourite superhero activity I have done so far. we had to create our own superhero city from scratch. It had to be 100% unique, it had to be somewhere that a superehro could live in and achieve things. After we had done that Mr Shaw would pair us up with a random person and we would have to create each others superhero for their city. I was paired up with
Lucinda who had an amazing idea for her city, but then also had an amazing superehero idea for mine! The two slides below are; 1 my superhero city description, and 2 Lucinda's superehro she created for me.
Thank you for taking the time to read this long blog post!
Until next time...