
Friday, August 28, 2020

High Jump Hullabaloo!


Hey peoples,

For literacy, we have just finished writing our books for children. We had to go through a process of writing an I.P.A.R.C (intro, problem, action, resolution, conclusion), character descriptions, and story draft and then finally the book! This book I wrote is about not giving up and trying your hardest, (positively changes everything)!:

Link to book!

Hope you enjoyed it!

See ya later,

Soph  :D

Launch Away!


Hey peoples,

If you didn't already know we are learning about rockets at school for inquiry. We have finished our prototype and have tested and reported on it. I am in a group with Caprice, Pippa, and Tilly. We have reported on our rocket and are quite happy with our result:

Hope you learnt something!

See ya later,

Soph :D

Friday, August 14, 2020

Exellent E hia!


Hey peoples, 

Hope you're all well and staying safe from Covid-19 and other winter illnesses. Can't wait for spring to arrive. 

For Maori, we have learnt multiple games, in a group we have made a poster and video on how to play E hia, a game slightly similar to rock, paper scissors. Here is our poster with QR code to video. If you don't have a scanner with you then I will put a link to the video under the poster:

Hope you learnt something!

See ya later!

Soph :D 

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Spectacular Samoan with an Awesome Animation!


Hey peoples,

As we all know Covid-19 has started up again in Auckland so make sure you stay safe by washing/sanitizing your hands often and coughing or sneezing into your elbow. None of us want to go back in lockdown so try and help keep others safe. At school, we already have things canceled at the moment like winter sport, but we will just have to wait until Friday to find out what happens next.

In class, we have been learning Samoan. We have now learnt how to greet someone in this language. This slideshow will tell you everything you need to know about having a simple conversation. The last slide will contain definitions of what the Samoan greetings mean. Here it is, click play to start:

Hope you learnt something!

See ya later!

Soph :D

Monday, August 10, 2020

Absolute Parachute, (basically)


Hey peoples, 

For inquiry we are looking at rockets and space. We have engineers come in on Tuesday afternoons who teach us about rockets. But, if rockets go up with energy they must come down, and a safe way is air!

On Thursday and today (Monday), we were given the task to construct a parachute. Our goal was to try and make it go as slow as possible. We also had to attach 2 hex nuts to the parachute. We were to do this in groups of three, I did it with Zara and Pippa

Here is a photo of our initial and final diagram: 

For the initial design we used fabric and string we thought this would work well because the fabric was light. When we first tested it by standing on the chair it went fairly well. But when we took it upstairs to test it it spun in circles rather fast.

The final design we thought we needed something that would block the air out so it went rather slow. We decided to use thick paper. When we got it tested it took 1.83secs to get to the bottom. We decided to add an extra layer of paper that had space for air to make it billow out. This made it go slower (2.00secs), we were quite pleased with the result.

In the future to improve I think we need to think about how we can add more materials to make it go slower but not add too many materials so it is too heavy. 

Here is a photo: 

Hope you learnt something!

See ya later!

Soph  :D